Bayulu Opshop
Bayulu is one of the oldest and most established Aboriginal communities in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia. Located on the western edge of Gooniyandi country, 15 kilometres south of Fitzroy Crossing and about four hours from Broome along the Great Northern Highway, Bayulu is home to around 500 people. The community has a rich cultural heritage, with a strong presence of Gooniyandi and Walmajarri speakers, deeply connected to the land and its traditions.
Originally part of Gogo Station, Bayulu was relocated to its current position in 1987. Over the years, it has grown into a thriving, vibrant community that serves as a central hub for the region. Smaller communities have developed from Bayulu, spreading its cultural influence and creating a strong sense of unity across the area.
Darlene, who manages the Bayulu opshop, is dedicated to supporting her community. She shares that Bayulu, despite being home to around 500 people, has no access to clothing shops. Through the opshop, the community can provide affordable clothing and goods to families in need. The funds raised through the shop are used to support the local football club, assist families during emergencies, and ensure children have lunches at school. Darlene expressed her gratitude, noting that the support received makes a significant difference in the lives of the community members.
Bayulu is also home to a community school on Gogo Station, where 125 children are educated. While Kriol is the most commonly spoken language, Gooniyandi and Walmajarri are also spoken, with Standard Australian English being the children’s second language. The school is a vital part of the community, helping preserve cultural heritage while equipping the children with the skills they need for the future.
The Bayulu opshop is an essential part of the community, providing more than just clothing. It helps generate funds that directly benefit the people of Bayulu, as well as smaller neighbouring communities and extended families. The generosity of supporters helps sustain the local football club, provides emergency assistance to families, and ensures that no child goes without a school lunch. In a region where resources are limited, the support of the wider community makes all the difference.
Items we need most:
- Children clothes boys and girls ages 2-12 years
- Men clothes- jeans/ warm jumpers during the dry season
- Women’s clothes- larger sizes 16 and up.
- Towels, Linen and Curtains are in demand in
The widespread support of people all over Australia has been overwhelming and we are thankful to everyone who has contributed and supported us on this journey.